I thought it was time for an update on my self-publishing journey. As you may know, I chose to use Create Space. Being this was my first novel, I didn't want to leave anything to chance. (Editor-check. Readers-check.) My biggest fear (besides no one liking my story) was having someone purchase my novel and then see boo-coos of formatting errors. I just wanted the assurance that I had done everything I could to make my novel as perfect as possible. So while I could have formatted my novel, I choose to purchase CS's formatting service. What I didn't expect was the l-o-n-g wait between each step of the process. Silly me - I failed to consider how many other writers are using their services. My friend and and mentor, Carol Ann Ross, formatted her book, uploaded and after a few changes *BAM* her novel was in her hands. I submitted my manuscript at the beginning of April...It is now mid June. I have received my first formatted copy (digital) and have found errors such as: wordswithoutspaces.
It's a bit frustrating...especially when I know what I submitted. I look at the time - festivals are happening all around my area - tourists are vacationing - students are on summer break - and I am waiting for the publishing process to be completed. I've been trying to do all the right things. I blog. I post on Facebook. I try to connect with fellow writers and the all important readers. And I have no idea of when I will be able to announce an official release date.
So what about you? Have you had a similar experience and/or did you choose another company? What was your experience? Anything you can share will be greatly appreciated.
-DS McKnight
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